Almost done!
After you have paid your order, upload music files or your photos. If case the file size is larger than 36 MB, insert the cloud link in the “Your message” field. Add your suggestions to the contact form below and describe what song and / or video you want. We will start working as soon as we receive your files.
How to record your voice correctly
Try to follow all the instructions carefully for the best recording quality
You will need 2 smartphones and 1 earphone
We will listen to music on one device and record your voice on the other.
If you don’t have 2 smartphones, replace one of them with a computer or laptop with a headphone Jack.
Download the music
You need to download the music (without vocals) of your song on the Internet to your first smartphone.In search engines, this option is usually called “instrumental”. Type the title of your song in the search engine and the word “instrumental” separated by a space and download it.
Place the song file in the device where you plan to use the headphones.
If you find it difficult to sing just with instrumental and you want to keep the original vocals “for confidence”, download a regular song with vocals.
Ensure complete silence in the room where the recording is taking place
Remember! The voice recorder records not only your voice, but also all unnecessary sounds that will not be able to be deleted from the phonogram.
Close all doors and windows, turn off the TV, sound and phone vibration mode.
Remove small children and pets from the premises. Ask your family and friends to be completely silent during recording!
Start recording
Keep trying until you are satisfied with the result
Take a smartphone with music, put on headphones. Enable voice recorder recording on the second smartphone. Start playing your downloaded song on the first smartphone and sing to the second smartphone, holding it at a distance of 5-8 inches.
Send us the result using the form above.